Tag Archives: art urns

Art Urns Go Around the World

I’ve been making cremation urns for years and suddenly they’re big news!

Party Jar, 2013

Party Jar, 2013

A few weeks ago a reporter for the Associated Press, Allen Breed, came to my studio and did an interview with me about the cremation urns that I make and their entry into an Art Urn competition at Historic Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh.  He did both a written article and a TV piece.  The article came out in the KC Star on the 14th, you may have seen it.  If not, here’s the link.  KC Star 3:14:15 .  After the Star it went all over the world to cities large and small.

The video piece is available on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?sns=em&v=TZuDzOYRQIE.
Flesh & Green, 10"x10", embellished with 1930s shoe clip.

Flesh & Green, 10″x10″, embellished with 1930s shoe clip.

I’ve been making these for years and suddenly they’re a big deal.   If you google “Julie Moore Art Urns” you can see all the places where both the printed and video versions have been published.  They’ve been on everything from ABC News, to the Australian News.
I’m flabbergasted and thrilled!!  I got so charged up I had to go into my studio and make another urn. So here’s the first one that is sized for two sets of cremains. It’s for people who want to mix their ashes with their mate’s. It’s called Together In Spring.

Together In Spring, 12"x10"

Together In Spring, 12″x10″